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Einstellung des direkt wirkenden Temperaturreglers

Einstellung des direkt wirkenden Temperaturreglers

Einstellung des direkt wirkenden Temperaturreglers

Setting up a direct-acting temperature controller is performed after installation by rotating the adjustment scale to the mark corresponding to the required temperature, followed by adjustment according to the control thermometer.

The operation of the controller is checked by changing the water temperature at the sensor connection point, while observing the accuracy of temperature maintenance, hysteresis value, time constant, and proportional zone, comparing them with the passport data. To change the water temperature in the hot water supply system, it is sufficient to open one water tap and wait until the temperature at the sensor installation point decreases and the controller responds to its change.

If there are flow meters on the pipeline of the heating coolant devices, it is recommended to measure the pressure drop at fully open temperature controller and compare it with the calculated values.

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