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Wartung und Reparatur des Sicherheitsventils

Wartung und Reparatur des Sicherheitsventils

Wartung und Reparatur des Sicherheitsventils

The frequency of technical maintenance of the safety valve is regulated by the rules of operation of the object on which it is installed.

Maintenance of safety valves installed in heating systems is recommended to be carried out once every six months. During this process, it is necessary to measure the pressures of the initial opening, full opening, and closing, as well as to ensure the absence of leakage after the valve is seated on the seat.

If deviations of pressures from the required value are identified during maintenance, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of the deviation, and then conduct control tests of the safety valve.

Maintenance of the safety valve and checking the tightness of the valve seating is simplified if the design includes a handle for lifting the valve. It is prohibited to open a jammed valve using a lever or hammer blows, as sudden opening can cause its destruction.

Repair of the safety valve may be required in case of leakage, failure to operate, incomplete opening, or closing of the valve. The design of safety valves is quite simple, so it is possible to diagnose a breakdown without special effort in a regular locksmith workshop.

Possible malfunctions of safety valves and their causes

Malfunction Cause
Safety valve does not open
  • Incorrect adjustment
  • The valve stuck to the seat
  • The handle of the valve is rusty or stuck in the guide fork (for lever-type)
  • The handle is rusty in the joint (for lever-type)
Does not stop the flow
  • Poor fit of the valve to the seat
  • The valve is skewed when seated on the seat
  • A foreign object got between the valve and the seat
Opens earlier than it should Incorrect adjustment

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