Wo wird ein Rückschlagventil installiert?

Wo wird ein Rückschlagventil installiert?

Check valves are installed in pipeline sections where the process flow is allowed in only one direction. The most common installation schemes for check valves are:

1. On the pressure nozzle of each parallel installed pump, the check valve prevents water from flowing through the disconnected pump in the reverse direction.

2. Near the flow meters installed in cold and hot water supply systems, the check valve protects the flow meter from water flow in the reverse direction.

3. In heating system substations with a mixing pump unit of the heat carrier, the check valve is installed on the bridge between the supply and return pipeline. In this scheme, the check valve prevents the heat carrier from flowing from the supply pipeline to the return one when the pump is off, and when it is on, it passes the cooled heat carrier from the return pipeline to the supply pipeline to reduce the supply temperature in the heating system.

4. In heating system schemes with dependent connection to heat networks, if it is possible to reduce the pressure in the heat network below the static pressure of the heating system and subsequent emptying of the heating system.

* Erklärung der bedingten grafischen Symbole in den Diagrammen

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