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Installation des Pufferspeichers

Installation des Pufferspeichers

Installation des Pufferspeichers

Installation of a buffer storage tank is carried out in accordance with the project and installation instructions; in addition, the following features should be taken into account:

Installation requirements

  • Thermometers should be installed on all supply and discharge pipelines.
  • Shut-off valves are recommended to be installed on all supply and discharge pipelines.
  • The buffer storage tank should be connected at split joints with nuts or flanges.
  • The elements of the tank should not withstand static loads from connected pipelines.
  • A drain valve should be installed near the buffer storage tank or at its lower point.
  • Mesh filters should be installed on the loading pipelines of the buffer storage tank.
  • If there is no vent pipe provided in the upper part of the buffer storage tank, an automatic air vent valve should be installed on the outlet pipe from the upper part of the tank.
  • A safety valve and pressure gauge should be installed near the buffer storage tank.

Installation requirements

  • Changes in the design of the tank are not allowed.
  • Free access should be provided to the inspection flange.
  • The platform intended for the installation of the buffer storage tank should withstand the weight of the tank filled with water. It may be necessary to construct a foundation.
  • The room in which the tank is to be installed must be heated. Freezing of water in the tank is not allowed.
  • The surface of the buffer storage tank must be insulated.
  • Buffer storage tanks with a capacity of more than 500 liters may not fit through doorways.

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