Control Panel for Pumps

The connection of the pumping unit to the electrical network should be carried out through a panel that performs the functions of protection and control of pumps.


The pump control panel should provide the following basic protection:

  • Dry run protection - the pump is switched off when the pressure in the suction pipe falls below the set value.
  • Phase voltage unbalance protection - power supply to the pump is switched off in case of unacceptable phase voltage unbalance.
  • Motor overload protection (thermal protection) - activated in case of shaft blockage and overload.


Depending on the technological process conditions, the control panel may implement the following automation functions:

  • Manual and automatic control depending on various conditions.
  • Activation of a backup pump in case of failure of the working one.
  • Automatic switching of operation from a backup to a working pump, thus ensuring even load and wear.
  • Cascade pump activation based on a time schedule or deviation of a controlled parameter (such as flow rate or pressure) from a set value.
  • Maintaining a constant flow rate, pressure or head behind the pump is achieved by installing a frequency controller.
  • Blocking the pump start-up when the set frequency of activation is exceeded or depending on other conditions.

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