Protection of Pumps

The pump protection automation disconnects the power supply in case of unacceptable operating conditions that may damage the pump. Below is a minimum list of pump protection devices.

Dry run protection

Dry running leads to rapid wear of the seal and motor overload. The pump's dry run protection stops the power supply to the pump motor if the pressure in the suction pipe drops below the minimum value required to fill the pump with liquid or to achieve cavitation-free operation.

Dry run protection is implemented by installing a pressure relay sensor near the suction pipe, which, when the pressure drops below a specified value, opens the contact of the magnetic starter.

In pumps that draw water from open reservoirs, dry run protection can be achieved by installing a level sensor or float switch.

Thermal protection

Motor overload of the pump is possible due to shaft blocking, operation with delivery exceeding the permissible limit, or dry run. Thermal protection stops the power supply to the pump motor and is often included in the standard equipment.

Thermal protection of the pump is achieved by installing fuses in the power supply circuit of the motor.

Phase unbalance protection

Phase unbalance protection of the pump is necessary only for models with three-phase connection. The protection stops the power supply to the pump motor in case of phase unbalance and is achieved by installing phase control relays in the control panel.

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