Technical specifications of buffer storage tank

Heat losses of the buffer storage tank (W) - is the amount of heat that is lost from the surface of the tank at a certain temperature difference between the temperature of the water in the tank and the temperature of the surrounding air. Heat losses depend on the thickness of the thermal insulation layer and the temperature difference between the water and the air. Heat losses are used to determine the amount of heat required to maintain the buffer storage tank in a heated state and the time it takes to cool down in the absence of heat consumption.

Long-term power of the heat exchanger (W) - is the amount of heat transferred through the surface of the heat exchanger from the heating medium to the heated water at a certain temperature difference. In most cases, the long-term power is indicated at a heating medium temperature of 80°C at the inlet to the heat exchanger and 60°C at the outlet, and at water temperatures of 10°C at the inlet and 45°C at the outlet. The temperature difference is determined by the formula 0.5*(80+60)-0.5*(45+10). The thermal power of the heat exchanger is greater, the higher the temperature difference, the larger the surface area of the heat exchanger, and the higher the coefficient of heat transfer k (W/m²·°C).

PN nominal pressure of the tank and heat exchanger - is the maximum excess pressure of the working medium with a temperature of 20°C, at which the long-term and safe operation of the buffer storage tank is ensured.

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