Design of pressure relief controllers

Device and design of relief controller

The relief valve can be of two different designs - direct-acting and indirect-acting valves.

Indirect-acting relief controllers are devices in which the measuring element (pressure sensor) affects the control device (controller), which, with the help of additional energy, affects the regulating valve. Indirect-acting relief valves can be assembled based on any regulating valve and practically any controller, so they are not represented in our catalog.

Direct-acting relief controllers are devices in which the measuring element affects the regulating element without additional sources of energy, using the energy of the controlled medium. The design of a direct-acting relief controller can be spring or diaphragm type.

Spring-loaded relief controllers (auto bypass valves) maintain pressure with less accuracy and differ in simplicity of design and lower cost. The shutter serves as both the measuring and regulating element in spring valves, with the spring serving as the set point.

Diaphragm relief controllers (represented in this section) maintain pressure with high accuracy. The measuring element in diaphragm valves is the diaphragm, the regulating element is the seat valve, and the set point is the spring.

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