Water flow regulator design

Direct-acting flow regulators maintain flow without using external power sources, relying on the energy of the working fluid. The regulator design includes a throttle with constant or variable hydraulic resistance, on which a constant differential pressure is maintained using a diaphragm pressure regulator.

Direct-acting flow regulators begin to maintain flow when there is a minimum pressure drop on the regulator, and they have very high requirements for the quality of the working fluid. In regulators with a variable hydraulic resistance of the throttle, the value of the maintained flow can be adjusted.

Some flow regulators are equipped with an electric drive. Such regulators allow for high-quality regulation and eliminate the common problem of hydraulic imbalance in branched systems. In this case, to hydraulic coupling of circulation loops, it is sufficient to set the nominal flow value on all regulators in one pass.

Indirect-acting flow regulators (not presented in this section) are devices in which a measuring element (flow sensor) influences a command device (controller), and the command device, with the help of additional energy, influences a regulating valve. Automatic indirect-acting flow regulators can be assembled based on any regulating valve, flow sensor, and practically any controller.

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