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books and manuals about heating and water supply

Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless
Deformation and stress analysis of a U-shaped pipe compensator using a 3D scanner
Determination of annual heat losses from heat and steam pipeline networks and economic analysis of their thermomodernisation
Determination of maximum span between pipe supports using maximum bending stress theory
Heat loss due to domestic hot water pipes
Impact of soil moisture on heat losses of pipelines of district heat supply networks at underground channel-free gasket
Lenticular expansion compensators
Prediction of cycle life of flexible pipe bellows
Article Danfoss
Valve characteristics for motorized valves
Basic schemes De Deitrich
Connection schemes of domestic water heating boilers
Basic schemes Herz
Connecting boilers to heating and hot water systems
British Standard
Heating systems in buildings — Design for water-based heating systems
British Standard
Heating systems in buildings — Method for calculation of the design heat load
Calculation method
To calculate heat losses with flue gases of coal-fired boilers
DIN 1988 - 2
Drinking water supply systems Materials, components, appliances, design and installation
DIN 4708 Part 2 Flamco
Rules for determining the heating requirement for heating drinking water in residential constructions
Design features of control valves
Shutter design and seat seal
Manometric suction head with water up to 100°C
EN 10255 :2004
Non-alloy steel tubes suitable for welding and threading — Technical delivery conditions
EN 1057 :2006
Copper and copper alloys - Seamless, round copper tubes for water and gas in sanitary and heating applications
EN 1092-1
Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated - Part 1: Steel flanges
EN ISO 4064-1:2014
Water meters for cold potable water and hot water
Efficiency of electric motors
IE - Summary table of the levels of efficiency
Heating and domestic hot water systems for dwellings
Achieving compliance with Part L & Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations 2019
ISO 15874-2
Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations - Polypropylene (PP)
ISO 5211
Industrial valves — Part-turn actuator attachment
Kv-value chart of ball valves
Full bore and Reduced bore
Piping design and Engineering
Calculation and design manual
Piping handbook
Stress analysis of piping systems
Chemical compatibility of materials with aggressive media
Technical information of flanges
Dimensions and maximum permissible operating torques
Tutorial Akatherm
Factors influencing pipe system design
Tutorial Belimo
Notes for project planning 2-way and 3-way globe valves
Tutorial Calpeda
How to select a pressure boosting sets
Tutorial Danfoss
District heating application handbook
Tutorial Danfoss
Practical guidelines for creating energy efficient multi-family residential heating systems
Tutorial Grundfos
Mechanical shaft seals for pumps
Tutorial Grundfos
Pump handbook
Tutorial Herz
Dynamic control and regulating valves
Tutorial Huch
Dimensioning of buffer storage tanks
Tutorial IMI
Balancing of control loops
Tutorial Reflex
Calculation, selection, scheme of installation and adjustment of expansion tanks
Tutorial Sikla
Support distances in building services for pipes made of steel, copper, plastic (standard values)
Tutorial Viessmann
DHW heating cylinders and cylinder loading systems. Technical guide
ГОСТ 12820-80
Flat steel flanges are welded at Pu 0.1-2.5 MPa
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