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Project for a residential heat meter

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Project for a residential heat meter

Project for a residential heat meter

Regardless of whether the apartment owner has a contract for heat supply with the city heating network or with the maintenance organization that services the building with an autonomous boiler, the installation of a flat heat meter must be carried out in accordance with an individual project.


Before starting the development of project documentation, you should:

  • Obtain permission from the building's balance holder (housing maintenance office).
  • Obtain technical conditions from the heat supply organization, which will set out all requirements for the metering equipment and project documentation.
  • In some cities, in accordance with the requirements of the heat supply organization, it is necessary to collect signatures of neighbors stating that they do not object to the installation of the heat meter.

Project components

A project for the installation of a flat heat meter may include:

  • Calculation of the apartment's thermal load.
  • Calculation of heat carrier consumption through the apartment's heating system.
  • Selection of a heat meter.
  • Hydraulic calculation of the heat meter.
  • Calculation of the amount of heat loss from pipelines.
  • Calculation of the thermal load of common areas assigned to the apartment.
  • Methodology for calculating heat consumption.
  • Heat meter installation diagram.
  • Specification for the components of the metering equipment.
  • Diagram of heat loss calculation.

The completed project for the installation of a flat heat meter is agreed with the heat supply organization.

Apartment Heating Load

The heating load of an apartment can be provided by the building owner in accordance with the building project carried out by the developer, or calculated during the project development.

The calculation of the apartment heating load is carried out in two ways.

1. The heating load of the apartment is determined as the product of the share of this apartment and the heating load of all apartments in the residential building. The share of the apartment is determined as the ratio of its heating area to the heating area of all apartments in the residential building. The values of the heating load of the residential part of the building and the area of the apartments must be provided by the heat supply organization or the building owner based on the project carried out during the construction of the building.

2. Calculation of heat losses through the enclosing structures of the apartment and the heat required to heat the ventilation air. The calculation is based on data about the apartment obtained as a result of measurements.

Calculation of Heat Losses from Pipelines

If the main pipelines are located in the entrance hall and it is planned to install a heat meter on the distribution manifold, it, in addition to the heat consumed by the apartment, also takes into account the heat losses from the pipelines from the installation site to the wall of the apartment. These heat losses actually go towards heating the common areas, the payment for which is collected additionally from apartments equipped with heat meters. In this case, the amount of heat losses from the pipelines each month should be subtracted from the heat meter readings.

If the main pipelines are located in the apartment and it is planned to install a heat meter in the apartment, then the heat losses from the pipes laid in the apartment are not taken into account in the heat meter readings on the section of the main pipeline from the floor to the ceiling of the apartment and on the section from the place of branching to the apartment to the place of installation of the heat meter. This amount of heat losses actually goes towards heating the apartment and should be added to the heat meter readings each month.

Calculation of Heating Load of Common Areas

In the heat balance of each residential building, in addition to the heat consumed for heating residential premises, there are additional heat losses, including:

  • Heating of elevator halls, stairwells, technical floors, garbage rooms, etc.
  • Heat losses from pipelines on the section from the heat input to the building or autonomous boiler room to the apartment.

These heat costs are included in the heat load of common areas and should be paid by all apartment owners in proportion to the area of their apartments in relation to the total area of the building.

The project for installing an apartment heat meter includes calculating the heating load of common areas that applies to a particular apartment. The calculated load should be added to the heat meter readings every month.

Depending on the design features of the building, the heat load for heating common areas averages around 10% of the monthly heating cost for the apartment.

An approved project for installing an apartment heat meter and installation carried out in accordance with it is sufficient grounds for accepting the meter for accounting purposes.

A balance holder and heat supply organization have no right to refuse an apartment owner to accept a heat meter for accounting and subsequent payment for heating according to its readings if there is an approved project and installation carried out in accordance with it.

Some building balance holders equipped with autonomous boilers allow heat meters to be installed without a project. This may somewhat reduce the cost of installing a heat meter, but in the future, it may be a reason for refusing to calculate payment for heating based on heat meter readings in case of a change in the balance holder's attitude towards apartment accounting or a change in the balance holder itself.

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