Maintenance and repair of the differential pressure controller
Maintenance of the differential pressure controller should be performed according to the operating manual, and the following should also be considered:
- It is recommended to check the settings, response speed, and accuracy of maintaining the differential once a month. The controller's operation is tested by adjusting the water flow through it by slowly closing the valve installed on the same pipeline, monitoring the differential deviation at the impulse take-off point.
- Every six months, the impulse lines should be cleaned. For this, the section where the differential controller is installed should be shut off, drained, and the impulse lines blown out after disconnecting them from the controller and the pipeline.
- The Y-strainer installed before the differential pressure controller should be cleaned as it becomes clogged. Filter contamination is determined by the pressure gauge readings before and after the filter.
Repair of the differential pressure controller may be necessary if deviations in the differential at the impulse take-off point from the set value are detected during operation or maintenance.
Possible causes of differential deviation include:
- Clogging of the impulse tube — resolved by blowing out;
- Membrane rupture — requires replacement of the original membrane;
- Valve clogging — resolved by cleaning the valve and seat after disassembling the pressure controller.
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