Water Heater Tank Installation Guidelines

Water Heater Tank Installation Guidelines

Guidelines for Installing a Storage Water Heater

The installation of a storage water heater should adhere to an individually developed project and the manufacturer's installation instructions. Below are general recommendations applicable to various types of water heaters; however, it's crucial to follow specific instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Installation Requirements

  • The water heater casing must be properly grounded.
  • Install shut-off valves on all supply and discharge pipes.
  • Position a relief valve on the cold water pipeline between the shut-off valve and the tank. Connect the relief valve to the drainage system through a visible stream gap funnel. Ensure that the full opening pressure of the relief valve is lower than the allowable pressure for the water heater.
  • For thermal expansion compensation, install a hydroaccumulator on the cold water pipeline section between the check valve and the water heater. Select the hydroaccumulator volume based on the calculation of expansion tanks methodology. Provide the hot water system's capacity in the [Heating System Capacity] field, input 60/59°C in the [Temperature Schedule ...] field, and specify the height from the installation location of the hydroaccumulator to the upper point of the hot water system in the [Height from installation location ...] field.
  • Install thermometers at the water inlet and outlet and pressure gauges at the heat exchanger's inlet and outlet.
  • If the water heater design lacks a drain valve, install one on the cold water pipeline at the tank's bottom.
  • In the absence of automatic air release in the tank design, install one on the hot water outlet pipe at the tank's top. Automation is essential as dissolved oxygen is released during water heating, and lack of air release devices is a common cause of storage water heater failures.
  • For systems with high-temperature heat sources (above 100°C), install a temperature limiting device to halt the heat carrier flow to the storage water heater if the water heating temperature support automation fails.
  • During hot water supply system setup, set the circulation loop's flow rate at a level where the returning water temperature is 5-10°C lower than the water supplied to the system.
  • Tanks with volumes exceeding 500 liters may require using several smaller tanks if doorways pose a limitation.
  • Leave at least a 1-meter distance from the flange to the nearest wall and a minimum of 300 mm from the tank's top to the ceiling during cleaning and servicing.
  • The room's floor where the storage water heater is installed must support the tank's weight when filled with water. For large-volume tanks, a foundation base may be necessary, and waterproofing the floor is recommended.
  • When installed outdoors, protect the water heater from wind, water, and moisture.

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