Buffer storage tanks are installed in systems where heat production peaks do not coincide with heat consumption peaks:
In heat pump systems, buffer storage tanks are used to optimize operation mode, regulate heat consumption and reduce electricity costs by operating on the night tariff.
In systems connected to solar collectors, buffer storage tanks are used to accumulate maximum thermal energy during peak solar energy input and distribute it during insufficient solar radiation. Buffer storage tanks installed directly on solar collectors are called thermosiphons.
In solid fuel boiler systems, buffer storage tanks allow for regulation of heat consumption, reduction of fuel loading frequency, and increased boiler efficiency through complete loading even in summer.
In systems with electric boilers, night heating of buffer storage tanks using reduced tariffs allows for minimal electricity consumption for heating during the day by using accumulated heat, significantly reducing heating costs.
In systems with heat consumption peaks significantly different from the hourly average, buffer storage tanks allow for the use of less powerful heat sources by heating the tank during hours of minimal heat consumption and cooling it during maximum loads. In this case, the heat source capacity can be significantly lower than the peak load.
In systems with interruptions in heat supply from the heat source and unacceptable interruptions for the heat receiver, the tank accumulates heat during the heat source operation and releases it into the system during the heat source downtime.
In systems with multiple heat sources for combined heat production, heat can be obtained from solar collectors during sunny days, from night tariff heat pumps at night, and from gas boilers during insufficient power from the first two sources.
In cooling systems with chillers and fan coils, buffer storage tanks allow for optimization of chiller operation and reduce electricity consumption by operating on the night tariff.
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