What is the purpose of a water pressure regulator?

The most common application of water pressure regulators is in water supply systems to solve the following tasks:

  1. Stabilization of water pressure at water taps in branched water supply systems, where pressure varies significantly depending on the time of day.

  2. Prevention of noise on water taps and regulating devices. We have all heard how noisy water taps can be, and the reason for this is high pressure before them, which also leads to high pressure losses. The pressure regulator 'after itself' allows to reduce and stabilize this pressure to an optimal value.

  3. Reduces water consumption. It is no secret that the lower the water pressure at the water tap, the less water will flow out when it is opened. We are all familiar with the situation when a slight opening of the tap leads to significant water flow, while subsequent opening of it practically does not affect the flow rate. The reason for this is high pressure at the water tap, and it can also be eliminated by installing a water pressure regulator 'after itself.'

  4. Protects systems from exceeding the design pressure. Often, the pressure at the inlet of the water supply system in a house significantly exceeds the minimum required pressure in the water supply system, and sometimes even exceeds the maximum allowable pressure, which can be detrimental to household appliances connected to the water supply system, such as water heaters, washing and dishwashing machines. Installation of a water pressure regulator allows to protect these devices.

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