Entretien et vérification du compteur de chaleur

Modern heat meters do not require technical maintenance throughout their entire service life, except for verification, which is performed once every 4 years. The only thing you will have to do is to periodically take readings, as required by the heat supply organization, and submit them in the prescribed form.

Taking readings from the heat meter

Every month during the heating period, at the designated times established by the heat supply organization, the apartment owner takes readings from the heat meter, records the data in the accounting form, and submits them to the heat supply organization.

Reports on heat consumption can be provided by phone, through a web form, or in paper form, where the apartment owner personally submits the report to the heat supply organization.

In addition, some heat suppliers require their consumers to keep an account book and enter readings at least once a week, but the legality of such requirements is questionable.

Verification of heat meters

Entretien et vérification du compteur de chaleur

Verification of heat meters is a periodic procedure for confirming the metrological class of the heat energy metering device. Verification is carried out by an organization that has permission from the metrological supervision service and equipment for verification.

The periodicity of heat meter verification depends on the type of flow meter and for modern metering devices is 4 years.

To carry out the verification of a heat meter, it is necessary to call a metrologist, unseal the meter, call a installation organization to remove the metering device and send it for verification. After verification, the heat meter should be reinstalled and sealed again.

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