Specifiche tecniche dei serbatoi dell'acqua calda

NL - Power Index - of a hot water storage tank is the number of standard apartments that the tank can provide with hot water. A standard apartment is a four-room apartment with a standard bathroom that accommodates 3-4 people.

Heat Loss (W) - is the amount of heat lost from the surface of the hot water storage tank measured at a certain temperature difference between the temperature of the water in the tank and the temperature of the surrounding air. Heat loss is greater when the thermal insulation layer is thinner, and the temperature difference between the water and air is greater. Heat loss is used to determine the amount of heat required to maintain the tank in a ready state and to determine the cooling time of the tank in the absence of heat demand.

Continuous Heat Transfer Capacity (W) - is the amount of heat transferred through the surface of the heat exchanger from the heating fluid to the heated fluid at a specific temperature difference. In most cases, the continuous power is indicated at the temperature of the heating fluid at the inlet to the heat exchanger at 80°C and at the outlet at 60°C, and at the temperatures of the heated water at 10°C at the inlet to the exchanger and 45°C at the outlet. The temperature difference is determined by the formula 0.5*(80+60)-0.5*(45+10). The thermal power of the heat exchanger is greater when the temperature difference is larger, the surface area of the heat exchanger is greater, and the heat transfer coefficient k (W/m²*°C) is larger.

PN Nominal Pressure of the tank and the heat exchanger - is the maximum excess pressure of the working fluid at a temperature of 20°C, at which long and safe operation is ensured.

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