Transferência dos medidores de calor para faturamento comercial

Transferência dos medidores de calor para faturamento comercial

Transferring heat meters to commercial accounting is carried out after completing all installation work on the metering node. The procedure for handing over the heat meter begins with calling a metrologist, for which a letter is drawn up and one copy of the agreed project is sent to the heat supply organization.

On the agreed day of the metrologist's arrival at the facility, a representative of the balance holder and a representative of the installation organization must be present. The metrologist checks the compliance of the installed metering node with the agreed project and the compliance of the factory numbers of the heat meter and its components with the numbers indicated in the heat meter passport.

After that, the flow meter of the heat meter, temperature sensors, and calculator are sealed, and an acceptance report for the device on commercial accounting is drawn up. The report contains the numbers of the seals and the initial readings of the heat energy meter, from this moment on, calculations for heat energy are carried out based on the readings of the heat meter.

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