Lugares de instalação das válvulas de retenção

Lugares de instalação das válvulas de retenção

Check valves are installed in heating and water supply systems, boiler rooms, and heat substations in places where, due to the conditions of the technological process, flow movement in one direction is allowed, and hydraulic pressure distribution in the system can lead to a reverse flow. Below are the most common installation schemes of check valves in building engineering systems.

1. In the pressure pipe of each pump in installations with two or more parallel pumps. The check valve prevents water flow in the reverse direction through a non-working pump.

2. In places where water meters and heat flow meters are installed. In this scheme, the check valve is necessary for accurate accounting of the flowing fluid and protection of the flow meter.

3. In heat substations with dependent connection to centralized heating networks at the mixing points of the heat transfer medium. The check valve on the bridge prevents the transfer of the heat transfer medium from the supply to the return pipeline, bypassing the heating system.

4. In heat substations with dependent connection to centralized heating networks with possible pressure drop in the supply pipeline below the static pressure of the heating system, the check valve is installed on the supply pipeline, and a pressure support regulator is provided in the return pipeline. In this scheme, the check valve prevents the heat transfer medium from leaking out of the heating system when the pressure drops in the external heat network.

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