Linear electric actuator for regulating valve

Linear electric actuator for regulating valve

Linear electric actuator for regulating valve is a device designed to control a globe valve using a controller signal, by means of linear movement of the stem.

Electric actuators are controlled by electronic regulators (controllers). The controllers generate an analog or three-position control signal. The position of the actuator stem in analog control depends on the voltage level in the range from 0 to 10V, while in three-position control the control signal is constant, but comes through different channels.

Application area

Linear electric actuators are used to control two- and three-way regulating valves with linear stem movement. Regulating valves with electric actuators are installed in heating, ventilation, and hot water supply systems of buildings, as well as in automation systems of technological processes.


  • Low price
  • Simple construction
  • Easy control
  • High reliability
  • Precise control of valve position
  • Possible to achieve high closing forces
  • Possible to adjust the speed of stem movement


  • Expensive electronic regulators required to generate the control signal

Similar names

  • Reduction electric actuator
  • Electric drive
  • Servo drive
  • Linear drive

Possible replacements

  • Thermoelectric actuator
  • Thermal actuator
  • Pneumatic actuator
  • Hydraulic actuator


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